Design Team Call

Who we are looking for 12 Journal Artists!

1. Personal style. Can create original one-of-a-kind artwork that reflects personal style

2. Tech-savvy. Is either on Facebook (or Twitter), Pinterest, and Instagram. Able to photograph their projects clearly. 

3. Willingness. Able to create variations of projects when asked. Can create with the newest products available, but also create with everyday items around the house.

Design Team members will:

1. Receive at least one assignment during the 2013-2014 term.

2. Have their name and work promoted on our website, blog, and other social media platforms.

3. Other opportunities to return as a guest artist throughout the year for special events. Local artists may have opportunities to teach or do demos in our Boulder Creek, CA location as needed. 

To apply: Email the following to

1. List your name, email, mailing address, and blog URL.
2. Send a brief bio of yourself, your craft, and why you would like to represent Jeanie's Journals.
3. List the links of your active Facebook and/or Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest profiles.
4. Send photos of 4 pieces of artwork and/or journal pages (no more than 1 MB each) that best represent your style.
5. If you have a video you would like to share or a step by step tutorial that might make you stand out from the crowd, post a link so we can see!
6. List any other design teams you are on. Fresh faces are welcome to apply!

Email your application to with "2013-2014 Design Team Submission" as the subject by July 15th, 2013 at 12:00am. Open to artists worldwide.